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Meet Team Brink: Vanessa Tang

Vanessa Tang is one of our brilliant developers. We asked her about what she feels about working at Brink Commerce. Vanessa is based in our Stockholm HQ and is part of the front-end team. Join Vanessa and her team, have a look at our open positions

Why did you join Brink Commerce?

I have been working in the retail industry since I was 17 years old. It was one of my biggest passions outside school. Brink is a combination of my university studies and my biggest passion, which is a dream come true!



How do you achieve success in your role?

Brink is full of talented and experienced people who are truly passionate about what they are doing. Having my teammates’ expertise and support is what empowers me on a day at work. It inspires me to reach higher and put even more effort into what I’m doing.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love having no boundaries in what to engage in. That way, there are many variations in possible things to do and learn!

Tell us a surprising or fun fact about yourself.

I am really good at picking ripe avocados at the supermarket.