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New Office in Gothenburg

Finally, we are all set at our new office in Gothenburg! 

Today we moved in with our Partners at Wellstreet & Friends in their brand new office space in Abrahamsonska Affärspalatset at Östra Larmgatan 16, right in the middle of Gothenburg. With a name that fancy you just know that great things are destined to happen here! 

For our Brink colleagues in Gothenburg, this will be a welcomed addition after almost 2 years of working from home or commuting to Stockholm. To go from sitting alone at home, to come here and be able to talk about the weather at the coffee machine is really what makes the difference for us swedes, it gives us that little "kick" we need in a day!  




The renovation of the office space has been going on for about 3 months and now the finishing touches are all that is left. The lounge is as you can see already meticulously decorated but our room is for now a work-in-progress. We do have chairs and a table, but the art on the walls and som pretty flowers will be moving in shortly. 

If you have time, feel free to swing by to say hello, try out the new coffee machine and hang out in the cozy lounge sofa. And don´t be surprised if you´ll be greeted by our office dog Winston, he will definitely welcome you with open Paws!